
Test Your Knowledge: Part 107 Practice Test Questions

Preparing for an exam can be nerve-wracking, we get it. We’ve always believed that with enough prior preparation, anybody’s nerves can be calmed – that’s why we’ve gone ahead and come up with 10 completely custom practice questions with in-depth explanations that you can use to supplement your Part 107 Test preparation.

In our opinion, the FAA does a pretty good job of testing students on key topics, without overtly going out of their way to trick you and fail you. What does that mean to you? It means that as long as you give yourself enough time to prepare, you get enough practice before test day, and you show up to the testing center prepared, you should be fine.

Dronegenuity offers a comprehensive Part 107 Test Prep course for folks without prior aviation or mapping experience. We highly recommend you explore our course before taking the exam, but even if you’re just looking for few more practice questions to build confidence and test your understanding of the material, we’ve got you covered!


Question 1


Class C airspace generally extends from the surface to 4,000 ft above the airport elevation, charted in MSL, in the center ring. Although the configuration of each Class C area is individually tailored, what is typically the floor of Class C airspace in its outer ring?

A) 4,000 ft MSL
B) 1,200 ft MSL
C) 1,200 ft above the airport elevation


This question is specifically testing your knowledge of airspace classifications, specifically Class C, as well as your understanding of AGL vs. MSL and the definition of the “floor” and “ceiling” of airspace.

Let’s start by accepting one simple fact – airspace questions will show up on your exam. I know memorizing the various facts & figures about different classes of airspace doesn’t make most folks jump out of bed in the morning with excitement, but I bet that passing the Part 107 test with flying colors most certainly will.

The “floor” of any type of airspace is the lowest part of the airspace, or put differently, it’s where the airspace begins. Think of the floor beneath your feet, if that helps you remember.

The “ceiling” of any type of airspace is the highest part of the airspace, or put differently, it’s where the airspace ends. Think of the ceiling above your head (assuming you’re inside) if that helps you remember.

Now most airspace around airports is in a circular shape. If you visualize what that would look like in real life (in 3D), we’re creating a kind of “cylinder” of controlled airspace, with the floor being the bottom of the cylinder, and the ceiling being the top. For some classes of airspace, like Class D, that’s about as fancy as it gets! No tricks there!

But, for Class C airspace, there is an inner ring (which forms the cylinder you are picturing), and an outer ring! Take a look at our design below to help you visualize that.

Image 1

The outer rings of any class of airspace will always have a higher floor than the innermost rings, which is why they form these “upside down wedding cake” shapes.

Ok next, let’s quickly discuss AGL (above ground level) and MSL (mean sea level). Almost all airspace is measured in MSL, except for Class E airspace, which isn’t a part of this question. That being said, let’s revisit the definition of the Class C airspace in the center ring: it extends from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation, charted in MSL. In other words, it doesn’t extend to 4,000 ft MSL; it extends up to 4,000 ft above the airport elevation (above ground level (AGL)), but it is measured in MSL.

For example, if the airport were located 1,000 ft above sea level, the center ring would begin at the surface (1,000 ft MSL) and extend up to 4,000 ft above that elevation, which would be 5,000 ft MSL. If the airport were located 2,500 ft above sea level, the center ring would begin at the surface (2,500 ft MSL), and extend up to 4,000 ft above that elevation, which would be 6,500 ft MSL. If the airport were located at sea level, then the center ring would extend up to 4,000 ft MSL. This is an important distinction to make.

This allows us to almost instantaneously narrow the answer choices down to C, which is the correct answer. The outer shelf begins at 1,200 feet above the airport elevation, and extends up to 4,000 ft above the airport elevation, charted in MSL.

Question 2


(Refer to FAA-CT-8080-2H, Figure 22.) What airport is located approximately 47 (degrees) 33 (minutes) N latitude and 116 (degrees) 11 (minutes) W longitude?

A) St. Maries
B) Shoshone Co
C) Coeur D’Alene Boyington


This question is testing your ability to read latitude & longitude markings on a map.

First, we need to find latitude & longitude numbers that we can use to begin answering this question. You’ll see on the mid-right-hand side of the page two numbers, 48 and 116. The 48 is referring to the latitude, and the 116 is referring to the longitude. As we move toward the equator (which is South of the U.S.), our latitude readings will decrease, and as we move away from the prime meridian (which is East of the U.S. and goes through Greenwich, England), our longitude readings will increase.

One other important point to remember when interpreting latitude and longitude is that the major lines on the chart – meaning the lines that form the quadrangles, not the small tick marks – are each separated by 30 minutes. There are 60 minutes in one degree, so that means that each of the major lines that are parallel to others are separated by half of one degree, or 30 minutes. Each of the small ticks is a minute (if you don’t believe us, go ahead and count – there are 30 ticks in between the major lines).

Alrighty so let’s start with the Latitude. First, we need to first count down from the 48 line to get to 47 degrees 33 minutes, but how far down do we go? Well, you can either count out 27 minutes (i.e. 27 ticks) South from the major line above the number 48, or, if you recall on the exam that the major lines are separated by 30 minutes (ticks), you can just look at the next parallel major line down from the 48 line, which is the 47 degree 30 minute line, and count three minutes up from there. That will bring you to 47 degree 33 minutes.

Next, let’s tackle the longitude. Starting at the 116 line, we need to count out 11 minutes…but which way? Remember, when we are moving away from the prime meridian, which in the United States we do the further West we travel, our longitude will continue to increase. So, count out 11 minutes West of the 116 line.

If you combine the latitude and the longitude that you just arrived at, it should land you right on top of Shoshone Co airport, which makes B the correct answer to the question.


Question 3


(Refer to FAA-CT-8080-2H, Figure 24, area 1, and Legend 1.) For information about the parachute operations at Caddo Mills Municipal Airport (7F3), refer to:

A) Notes on the border of the chart
B) Chart Supplements U.S.
C) The Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) publication


There are actually a couple of ways you could arrive to the correct answer on the exam. First off, the answer is B, Chart Supplements U.S. The Chart Supplement U.S., formerly called the Airport/Facility Directory, provides the most comprehensive information on a given airport. So naturally, it’s a great place to check regarding anything going on around an airport you have a question about.

So, the first way you could have arrived at the correct answer is realizing that it is asking you about airport data, and remembering that you simply need to take a look at the Chart Supplement to learn more.

The second way that you could have answered the question is by paying attention to where the question directs you – notice how it mentions Legend 1, but we haven’t even talked about that yet. If you look at the sectional chart, you can find the little parachute icon next to the airport. If you then look at Legend 1 in the Testing Supplement, you’ll note the exact same magenta parachute icon, with text stating “Parachute Jumping Area (See Chart Supplement).


Image 2


That should be a pretty big hint!


Question 4


(Refer to FAA-CT-8080-2H, Figure 78. Near the center of the figure.) What class of airspace is associated with the extensions to the SIOUX GATEWAY/COL DAY (SUX) Airport class D airspace?

A) Class B airspace
B) Class C airspace
C) Class E airspace


This question tests your knowledge on an often-unmentioned type of airspace.

First off, how can we tell that the SUX core airspace is Class D controlled airspace? We can tell in a few ways: first, it has encompassed by a blue dotted line, and second, the bracketed [36] is a dead giveaway. All controlled airspace that lists altitude explicitly lists it with a floor, and a ceiling, except class D airspace. Class D airspace always starts at the surface, and extends up to and including the number you see in the brackets (unless they use a negative sign, in which case it does not include the number in the brackets). So in this case, the Class D airspace extends from the surface up to and including 3,600 ft MSL.

But we still don’t know about that magenta dotted line enclosing an extension to the Class D airspace!

That is a very special type of Class E airspace, known as Class E surface extensions. Technically, you do not need to request authorization to fly in this airspace, because it does not represent core, lateral Class E surface airspace around a Class E airport! It is simply an extension to the Class D airspace.

So, the correct answer is C, Class E extensions. I know this question is a bit tricky, but we dig into all types of Class E airspace in our Part 107 course, so don’t sweat it if this one tripped you up.


Question 5


(Refer to FAA-CT-8080-2H, Figure 78) What is the required flight visibility for a remote pilot operating an unmanned aircraft near the Pender airport?

A) 2 statute miles
B) 3 statute miles
C) 4 statute miles


So first, we need to navigate to the mid-left portion of Figure 78 to find Pender airport.

Next, we need wake up and realize that we actually never needed to do that in the first place, because the required flight visibility for a remote pilot never changes. I’ll say it again, the required visibility for remote pilot never changes. I could have listed any airport here, and the answer will always be 3 statute miles, or B. That’s one of the key figures you need to memorize for the Part 107 exam.


Question 6


According to 14 CFR Part 107, the remote pilot in command (PIC) of a small unmanned aircraft planning to operate within Class D airspace

A) Must only operate within the outer ring of the airspace
B) Must use a visual observer
C) Is required to receive ATC authorization


This question specifically tests your understanding of Class D airspace, and broadly tests your understanding of all controlled airspace.

Class D airspace does not have multiple rings – it is simple one ‘cylinder’ of airspace, as we can see in the image above. In other words, option A is incorrect, because Class D airspace doesn’t have an outer ring – Class B and C airspace do, but not Class D.

Option B states that you must use a visual observer in Class D airspace. A remote PIC may always use a visual observer if he or she determines that it is necessary to safely operate the aircraft, but it isn’t required.

This leaves the correct answer, C, that you must receive ATC authorization if you plan on Class D airspace.


Question 7


(Refer to FAA-CT-8080-2H, Figure 2.) If an unmanned airplane weighs 15 pounds, what approximate weight would the airplane structure be required to support during a 60 degree banked turn while maintaining altitude?

A) 15 pounds
B) 22 pounds
C) 30 pounds


This question covers the only math-based question that you are likely to see on the exam – questions pertaining to load factor.

If we go to Figure 2, we can see a table on the left, and a graph on the right – they are related.


Image 3


The left column of the table translates to the X-axis (the bottom) of the graph, and the right column of the table translates to the red line itself.

Knowing that the aircraft is making a 60 degree banked turn, we look at both the table and the graph and see that a 60 degree bank angle correlates with a load factor of 2. Just take the load factor and multiple it by the weight of the aircraft, and you’ll see that a 15 pound aircraft making a 60 degree banked turn will require the aircraft structure to support 30 pounds (answer choice C) – that’s twice the aircraft’s weight! The wing must produce lift equal to these load factors if the altitude is to be maintained.

It’s also worth noting that after about 70 degrees or so, the number of Gs imposed on an aircraft rises extremely fast, but never quire reaches the 90 degree bank line. That is because a 90 degree banked, constant altitude turn is not mathematically possible. That’s not to say that an aircraft may not be banked to 90 degrees in a coordinated turn if it isn’t trying to hold altitude, but it can’t maintain constant altitude.


Question 8


According to 14 CFR part 107, who is responsible for ensuring a safe small unmanned aircraft operating environment?

A) Remote pilot-in-command
B) Person manipulating the controls
C) The drone owner


You’ll see this question’s core structure many times in the exam and in practice tests, with slight variations. The core part of the question is as follows:

“According to CFR part 107, who is responsible for…”

The answer is just about always the remote pilot-in-command. The key thing to remember here is that the remote PIC is directly responsible for, and is the final authority, as to the operation of the small unmanned aircraft system. So who is responsible for anything that goes on during a planned flight operation? The remote pilot-in-command.


Question 9


What is the minimum age required to register a small UA?

A) 13
B) 16
C) 17


This is a pure memorization question, but there is one small trick in there.

The correct answer to this question is A, you must be at least 13 years of age in order to register a drone (but if you’re younger, you can just have your parents do it). Where people get tripped up is mixing up the minimum age required to register a drone, with the minimum age required to sit for the Part 107 Exam. You must be 16 years old in order to take the Part 107 exam, but that’s not what this question is asking.


Question 10


What effect does low density altitude have on the efficiency of a UA propeller?

A) Propeller efficiency is increased
B) Propeller efficiency is decreased
C) Density altitude does not affect propeller efficiency



This question tests your understanding of a fairly complicated topic for part 107 test takers – density altitude.

Simply put, density altitude is a measure of air density.

If you’re at higher elevations, the temperature increases, the humidity increases, or the air pressure decreases, the density altitude goes up (the air becomes less dense). High density altitude decreases aircraft performance.


Image 4


Alternatively, if you’re at lower elevations, the temperature decreases, the humidity decreases, or the air pressure increases, the density altitude goes down (the air becomes denser). Low density altitude increases aircraft performance.


Image 5


Thus, the answer to this question is A, low density altitude would increase the propeller efficiency of your small unmanned aircraft.

Alright, hopefully these questions gave you a decent feel for where you stand regarding exam preparation. This “taste” of what you’ll see on the exam was meant to provide you with quality thought-provoking questions on topics that you’re very likely to see come up, but if you’re looking for a complete rundown of what you’ll see on the test, here’s the FAA’s approximate breakdown:


Image 6

If you’re you’ve already completed your initial knowledge test and you’re coming up on your recurrent knowledge test, here is the more limited scope of topics that you’ll need to focus on:


Image 7


In other words, on your recurrent exam, the FAA will not test you on weather, or loading and performance.


Quiz Answers

  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A


Regardless of whether you’re taking the test for the first time, the second time, or coming back for a recurrent exam, you can trust Dronegenuity with your Part 107 test prep. Take a look at our full course, build up your confidence, and best of luck on test day!


Get Certified to Fly Commercially

The Dronegenuity Part 107 Test Prep Course does a deep dive into all of the topics that are covered on the FAA’s Part 107 Exam. This exam is required for drone users who intend on using their drone commercially. In other words, if you intend on making money with your drone, this course sets you up to take the FAA’s exam and get your certification. We’ll cover topics such as FAA regulations, weather, radio communications, sectional charts (of course), the national airspace system, and more. Enroll now to take your first step towards FAA certification.


Learn More 

We’d love to hear from you if you want to learn more about the benefits of aerial drone photography for the real estate industry. If you’re interested in obtaining your Part 107 Commercial Drone License or other drone training courses, please contact us at Dronegenuity today! We offer professional aerial photography services, performed by FAA licensed drone operators for customers of all sizes. All of the work that we do is completely customized and we make the process simple and convenient.

About the Author

Erik Steiner

Customer intimacy is the name of the game to Erik – he’s got deep experience in a diverse breadth of roles that required an in-depth understanding of stakeholders’ needs. Since joining the company, Erik has focused on establishing strong ties with both our pilot network, as well as our business clients, in order to better understand their fundamental needs. When the COVID-19 crisis hit, Erik worked tirelessly to release top-tier courses for anyone who wanted to break into the industry. He fundamentally believed that developing and launching Dronegenuity’s course platform was the single most impactful way that the company could contribute to elevating the drone industry across the country. This guiding mindset will continue to drive the growth of the course offerings for years to come, allowing more households to break into the drone industry, supplement their income, and gain targeted knowledge that will differentiate them from the pack.